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But how did I start?

  Picture this: a burnt-out finance professional dancing and painting with her fingers to Zorba the Greek's music in a magical foreign land.

That's how my journey as an artist began. I painted my happy place because I wanted to become a creative, happy woman.

Living in Malaysia as an expat wife, suddenly changed my busy lifestyle and I felt lost. Wanted to try everything I missed out in my life: meditation, yoga, tennis and find something I passionate about.

Accidentally, I tried intuitive painting based on an email and loved it so much that I joined an Art Studio to learn.

some difficulties... 

Hi, I'm Beata Bosze a contemporary abstract artist, also an economist.

  I have moved a lot, back and forth to Malaysia, then to Cracow and now I'm in Cracow and Budapest.

I decided to develop an online art business because of my changing locations. 

And I'm still working on that.

"Art is the Highest Form of Hope"

Gerhard Richter

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Art heals....

    Painting is a blessing for me. I believe that art heals the creator and also the receiver.

     I had an accident in August 2021 and still haven't been able to recover from that.

I developed chronic pain syndrome and some spine issues and art helps me escape from physical pain and express my emotions in a way that words cannot.

Expressing emotions

    When it comes to my studio work, I create emotion driven abstract paintings in several layers using gestural marks and my intuition to find the hidden tales between the lines.

  I dream with a paintbrush in my hands and tell my stories about a joyful life.

  I invite you to be part of my journey and join me in my Art 4 Soul Community where I share sneak peeks, inspiration, meditations I like, exclusive deals and much more. Just click below.

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You can find me here: